Friday, February 15, 2008

The Name of the Blog...

You're probably wondering how I gave my blog the name, The Lazy Milliner. It's a moniker that's been sitting in the hard drive on my body for the past two years. In fact, it's the name I was going to give my other blog. I should have gone with my original instinct because here is twenty-four months after I gave birth to the other weblog, which came about after I ended the earthly life of still another site on 1930s hats (now how's that for a limited topic? But people actually did stop by, mostly likely because I was on a few webrings.) You would think the name the Lazy Milliner would be somehow restricted the author to writing about hats all day. But I don't intend to do that because I'm the Lazy Milliner. I'm lackadaisical when it comes to making hats, remember? So I won't talk about what I don't do very much. Doesn't that make perfect sense? It does to me, especially since it's early Friday morning and I have many other things to do before the sun bites the dusk later today. Like what, you say? For example, I must finetune a story before turning it in, make a least a dozen work-related phone calls, run some errands at lunch time, take a nap, make another call related to a fellowship I'm applying for, reduce the inbox, eat dinner, dawdle a little bit and then ring up a few friends post-supper. If I'm feeling somewhat productive, I'll sweep the living room and perhaps hem the orange paisley-blue leopard spots knit dress that's clinging to my dress form for dear life. Then I'll call it a night to get a jump-start on my action-packed weekend (well, it has to be since I have no car right now and must walk everywhere I need to go.) What about you? How did you name your blog, if you have one?

1 comment:

Eithne said...

Its nice to have you back blogging!I've missed your posts.Eithne